TubeBot - Watch Videos Like a TV Channel
You can create your own TV like channel "TubeBot Program" from Search Results/Playlist/Channel/Category
Created TubeBot Program can be accessed at any time like TV channel.
Frequency used TubeBot Programs are arranged in the above by MRU list.
- Various continuous playing method (Keyword/View Count/Rating/Date)
- Sorting(Reverse/Shuffle/Number/Older to Newer)
- Multiple local playlist(Favorite/You don’t need to create Youtube account)
- Single video loop mode(for digital signage/learning)
- Bitrate saving mode(for mobile listening)
- GPS search around current location
- Multi language category support
- Twitter search for current video
- URL sharing
- Swiping video right/left to quick seek(15s-30s)
- Swiping video down to go to marked position
- Swiping video up to mark position
- Double tap video to pause/resume